Tate’s Honey Farm is a family run business that has been meeting all your beekeeping needs since 1971. We run our own beekeeping operation and provide a location for all beekeepers to stop by and hear the latest news. The Coffee is always on and in the winter the fireplace is going. If nothing else come in and talk bees with one of the many beekeepers that stop by to visit. We have beekeeping equipment, honey, and candle making supplies and provide package bees, queens and pollination services.
We will be selling Packages and queens in 2025. Package be day will be April 12, 2025. We open April 12 at 0900 till 7pm. We are now taking orders. Pricing is $177.00 which includes tax. You can get Italian or Carniolan. You can order by email to taccon105@icehouse.net or call on sat 0830 to 5pm and order by phone.
If you want to order 5 gallons of honey you need to call the shop and place your order. It will be 2 to 3 weeks before it will be ready.
NOTE: we accept cash, checks and credit/debit cards for a fee. We are now in summer hours open Saturday 0830 to 5pm. We will be closed for the Christmas holiday. We close on holidays.
Telephone 509-924-6669
Address: E. 8900 Maringo Dr., Spokane, WA., 99212
Electronic mail General Information: taccon105@icehouse.net
Sales: taccon105@icehouse.net
Customer Support: taccon105@icehouse.net
Webmaster: taccon105@icehouse.net