Farmers Markets







We attend two farmers markets and we sell our honey on Green Bluff at selected Farms.

Our main farmers market is the Millwood Farmers Market held each Wednesday 3-7 PM. My granddaughters usually run the market and have since it opened 7 years ago. We are a charter member of this market...were about a local as you can get. The girls just love it and they are learning great skills. Missing this year is there cousin Gavin. This is a way for them to earn money and have a great time.

We are also working the Veradale market which is new this year. It is at the Valley Eagles on Tuesday 2-6pm.

Millwood Farmers Market

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Amanda and Emma opening day at Millwood

May 22, 2013


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Note the new puppy....Honey magnet....they had

a great opening day....


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Veradale Farmers Market

Located in Eagles parking lot off off Sprague

Green Bluff

Harvest House-Green Bluff


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Display hive at Harvest House


Walters Fruit Ranch

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Hidden Acres-Green Bluff

Fresh Start-Orchard





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Last modified: February 07, 2011