Kaylee's Kandles









My Granddaughter has been making candles all winter and you need to stop in and enjoy them. They are all made from 100% natural bees wax. She has a variety of molds she has used to come up with Skeps, votives, tealite, rolled candles and tapers...plus many more. They make great gifts to go with your honey. We came up with the name because when she plays soccer we all yell out KK..thanks to her mom she is branded for life.

This is a sample of her candles.

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She has them in gift boxs also. The tapers are especially nice on the dining room table.

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Nothing smells better that the sweet smell of honey.

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The rolled colored bees wax candles are easy to make and are great projects for kids. They make nice gifts to the relatives and are very cheap to make...


                             Kaylee's Kandles
8 in Rolled Candle $1.15
8 In Rolled Candle Pair (white clear  box) $4.36
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10 in Taper $1.53
10 in Taper Pair (white clear box $5.12
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Small Skep Bees $.94
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Large Skep Bees $2.73
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Honey Skep $7.44
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Diamond Pillar $4.97
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Votive Skep $1.38
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Small Pine Cone $1.91
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Skep with Bear $1.38
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Large Votive $1.15
Large Votive 4 each in white gift box $7.89
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Small Votive $1.15
Small Votive 4 each in white gift box $5.50
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Tealite $.63
Tealite 12 each in white gift box $7.89
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Send mail or requests to taccon105@icehouse.net with questions or comments about supplies or this web site.
Last modified: February 07, 2011